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The Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (JNPT)

Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (JNPT) is the official, Medline indexed, quarterly publication of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy a component of the American Physical Therapy Association. JNPT is the primary peer-reviewed, indexed resource for advancing neurologic physical therapy practice through the dissemination of definitive evidence, translation of clinically relevant knowledge, and integration of theory into education, practice, and research..JNPT publishes research articles, systematic reviews, case reports, and special interest papers that contribute to the development of theory, evidence and the effective use of physical therapy for individuals with neurologic conditions. JNPT has a Journal Citations Reports Impact Factor of 4.655 in the category of Rehabilitation, JNPT is ranked 10 of 68 in the Rehab category. 

Included are articles related to, but not limited to examination, evaluation, prognosis, intervention, and outcomes that span the continuum from pathophysiology to ability. The journal contains original research as well as integration and interpretation from the diverse areas of study that contribute to the formulation of neurologic physical therapy. 

Accessing JNPT

ANPT members have early access to issues and free downloads of the past year's articles. To access, log into your ANPT account by clicking here. Supplemental content such as videos and podcasts can also be accessed at the journal website.

ANPT members with these APTA member classifications will not receive print copies of the journal: Partner member, PT Students, PTA Students, Career Starter Dues/Transfer member, Life, Life 2 and Retired.

The journal is published quarterly: January, April, July and October.


JNPT Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members 

Editor in Chief

Lori Quinn, PT, EdD, FAPTA, New York, NY, USA

Deputy Editors

Associate Editors

Editorial Board Members

  • Statistical Consultant: Keith Lohse, PhD, PStat, St. Louis, MO, USA
  • Michael Lewek, PT, PhD, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
  • James Lynskey, PT, PhD, Mesa, Arizona, USA 
  • Gregory Marchetti, PT, PhD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Karen McCulloch, PT, PhD, NCS, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
  • Koji Ohata, PT, PhD, Kanazawa, Japan
  • Marousa Pavlou, PT, PhD, London, UK
  • Daniel Peterson, PhD, Phoenix, AZ, USA
  • Dorian Rose, PT, PhD, Gainesville, FL, USA
  • Gavin Williams, PT, PhD, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
  • Jaynie Yang, PT, PhD, Edmonton, AB, Canada

* All the Physical Therapists above are Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialists.