Complimentary Subscription

Members receive a subscription to the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (JNPT) which is a quarterly, peer reviewed, Medline indexed Section journal. JNPT has a Journal Citation Reports (JCR) Impact Factor of 4655. In the category of Rehabilitation, JNPT is ranked 10 of 68 journals. An ANPT membership includes JNPT online access, videos, quick polls, a discussion board, and a JNPT iPad app. JNPT publishes research articles, systematic reviews, case reports, and special interest papers that contribute to the development of theory, evidence and the effective use of physical therapy for individuals with neurologic conditions. Also included are articles related to, but not limited to examination, evaluation, prognosis, intervention, and outcomes that span the continuum from pathophysiology to social participation.

The benefits of the online site also are part of your membership!

  • 20+ Years of Fully Searchable Online Content, an online archive spanning 1992 to present
  • Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy iPad app so you can download and read the latest issue on your iPad
  • Enhanced HTML for easier on-screen reading and research
  • PDF for printing and saving
  • Mobile View for on-the-go access on your iPhone or other mobile devices.
  • ePUB Export allows you to retrieve articles specifically formatted for iPad, Sony eReaders, Nook, and other electronic reading devices.
  • Journals@LWW iPhone App.  The Journals@LWW iPhone app brings your member subscription right to your iPhone®, iPod Touch® or iPad®. The application is free. Download from the App Store in iTunes.
  • E-mail alerts are available for new Tables of Contents (eTOCs), Publish ahead of Print articles, updates to article collections, and users can be alerted anytime an article is cited.
  • Facebook & Twitter feeds allow you to keep up to date using your favorite social media outlets.  Follow us on X (formerly Twitter).  Find us on Facebook.
Remember that online content, full archives, and mobile access are Academy member benefits.

"JNPT has been a mainstay in staying current with what is going on in neurorehabilitation; the focused journal issues (e.g. Spinal Cord Injury) are excellent. The section's home study program and JNPT were critical resources for my preparation for the neurologic specialty exam."

Helen Gretz, PT, MS, GCS, NCS 
Lake Bluff, IL