Clinical Practice Guideline Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment After Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
The purpose of the concussion CPG is to articulate the potential indications, benefits, and best practices for physical therapy for those individuals who sustain a concussion and have persistent symptoms (greater than two weeks). This CPG was developed in partnership with APTA Orthopaedics, Sports and Pediatric sections.
The Clinical Practice Guideline was published in the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy in April 2020; Volumne 50 Issue 4.
The Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Knowledge Translation Task Force for the concussion/mTBI CPG created these resources to summarize the recommendations for the components of screening and diagnosis, examination, and intervention. The sheets were organized into these categories to help fast track the user to the category they are interested in. The resources help the clinician maintain an efficient and effective decision-making process in a busy clinic. The user will find a legend and table to help quickly orient the user to the level of evidence related to the recommendation helping the user understand the significance of the recommendation.
CPG Knowledge Translation Task Force
Naseem Chatiwala, PT, DPT, MS
Annie Fangman, PT, DPT
Ethan Hood, PT, DPT, MBA
Michelle Gutierrez, PT,DSc
Victoria Kochick, PT, DPT
John Heick, PT, DPT, PhD
Rebecca Bliss, PT, DPT
Pradeep Rapalli, PT, DPT , MBA