As a member of a Special Interest Group (SIG), you will receive electronic newsletters and an invitation to participate in and gain knowledge from other communications and events. The newsletters provide a wealth of information on the accomplishments and future plans of the groups as well as hot issues that are now the topic of discussion. Each SIG also has a link on the ANPT website, , for more timely communication. Membership is free to all SIGs with a current ANPT membership.
Members who are signed on the mailing lists of the SIGs also receive publications and information about programming specific to the SIGs. Only members of the Academy can join.
The SIGs have six elected positions. Each serves a three year term with the chair, vice chair and secretary eligible to be elected for a second term. Learn more about the role and nominating yourself or someone else.
Members who are signed on the mailing lists of the SIGs also receive publications and information about programming specific to the SIGs. Only members of the Academy can join.