Education Formats Offered by ANPT
Education Formats Offered by ANPT
The Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy is proud to offer a variety of educational opportunities! We have developed a complete list of educational formats, along with information about mentorship, resources, honoraria and reimbursement.  

Regional Courses

As of May 17, 2019, the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy is no longer accepting requests to host regional ANPT-developed courses. 



 Single Online ModuleOnline Module SeriesWebinar
VenueOnline – hosted ANPT Education Center  
Time< 1 hour seat timeMultiple modules each < 1 hour seat timeUp to 1.5 hours
ContentDidactic content delivered in one of the following methods: screen capture software or interactive module created in Articulate Storyline software*MP4
Resources Mentorship

Online program committee will assign committee member to facilitate & mentor.

To be agreed upon with presenters at time contract is signed

Education team will work with developers to determine appropriate platform, software requirements, and mentorship/consultation time needed to accomplish course goals.

SubmissionComplete website proposal & participate in a consulting phone call with an online committee member
Team1-2 lead developers plus up to 4 co-developers (smaller teams seem more efficient)
Honoria / ReimbursementAs per Academy policy –Details provided with contract
HandoutsOnline – (LMS)
Separate PDF handouts preferred

 2-day Pre Conference Course1-day Pre Conference CourseEducational SessionPlatformsPosters
VenueConference center or hotelConference center or hotelConference center or hotelConference center or hotelConference center exhibit hall
Time2 days with 7-8 hours of content each day1 day with 7-8 hours of content each day2-hour session. Includes Q&A

15 minute session. Includes Q&A

Displayed 1x day

Presenter present from 1-3pm

ContentLecture, Potential for break out sessions, labLecture, Potential for break out sessions, lab

Potential for breakout out sessions. Lab components are not feasible

LectureStand by poster and interact with viewers
Resources Mentorship

Mentoring available in

  1. Education
  2. Research
  3. Clinical Practice 

Note: Mentoring request should be submitted via online form well in advance of submission or of CSM (for accepted sessions)


Standard AV Set Automatically Provided @ CSM

  • Podium Microphone
  • Lavalier Microphone
  • Sound board and speakers
  • Podium & Head table with chairs
  • Common VGA Computer Hook-up (Not HDMI, Not Mac)
  • Sound patch cord (3.5mm)
  • Projector & Screen
  • Stage (if necessary)
  • Floor Microphones (if necessary)

Additional Equipment

  • Must submit request to the Neurology Education Committee by Sept 15 for consideration
  • Costly and must be factored in to the budget of the course. A request does not guarantee approval
  • Utilizing vendors, preferably those confirmed as CSM exhibitors is preferred.
SubmissionScholar One – Session Proposal early March for subsequent yearScholar One – Session Proposal early March for subsequent yearScholar One – Session Proposal early March for subsequent yearScholar One – deadline in early June for the next years CSM
$40 fee
Scholar One – deadline in early June for the next years CSM
$40 fee
TeamSuggest limiting # of speakers to 8 or lessSuggest limiting # of speakers to 8 or less1-5 presenters recommendedNot limited 
Honoria / ReimbursementAs per Academy policy –Details provided with contractAs per Academy policy –Details provided with contractAs per Academy policy –Details provided with contractNoneNone
HandoutsPresenters compile 1 pdf and send to Executive Director by mid-December. Pre-con handouts given privately to those registrants. Educational Session handouts loaded to CSM password-protected website. All eventually loaded to Academy Online Learning Management System (LMS) or other cloud-based sharing sitePresenters compile 1 pdf and send to Executive Director by mid-December. Pre-con handouts given privately to those registrants. Educational Session handouts loaded to CSM password-protected website. All eventually loaded to Academy Online Learning Management System (LMS) or other cloud-based sharing sitePresenters compile 1 pdf and send to Executive Director by mid-December. Pre-con handouts given privately to those registrants. Educational Session handouts loaded to CSM password-protected website. All eventually loaded to Academy Online Learning Management System (LMS) or other cloud-based sharing site  

Get Ready to Submit Your Poster or Education Session for the 2025 ANPT Annual Conference!

10 Feb, 12:11 PM

Poster and Education session submissions will open on Monday, February 17th, 2025. Check for updates!

CSM 2026 Submissions

24 Feb, 10:03 AM

In 2026, sessions will be 90 minutes! Session proposals: Opens Jan. 27, 2025; closes April 15, 2025. Platform and poster abstracts: Opens Feb. 25, 2025; closes July 15, 2025.

ANPT Outcome Measures Recommendations

10 Feb, 01:12 PM

The Academy has completed recommendations for use of outcome measures in people with stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, and spinal cord injury.

ANPT Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)

10 Feb, 01:13 PM

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) are graded recommendations on best practice for a specific condition based on the systematic review and evaluation of the quality of the scientific literature.

Listen to All ANPT Podcast Episodes!

6 Feb, 04:49 PM

The ANPT Special Interest Groups, Historical Archives Committee and Task Forces have produced podcasts on a variety of topics. Check out all ANPT podcasts here or on any other listening platform!