For Consumers:

1.  Travel resources for wheelchair users: Home and travel- Reeve Foundation (

2.  Consumer's guide to seating and mobility equipment:  The Wheelchair Handbook: A consumer's guide to seating and mobility equipment (

For Clinicians:

APTA: Medical Suppliers and Medicare Power Wheelchair Evaluation and Documentation 

This document can be used as a resource for the specialized assessment, intervention, and supportive documentation PT's provide in regards to providing "complex seating and wheeled mobility evaluations". 

National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel - Wheelchair Seating Pocket Guide
Selecting wheelchair seating components for pressure injury management

General Mobility Device Clinical Documentation Guide (.pdf) : This documentation guide provides information for physical therapists regarding documenting to demonstrate the patient’s need for skilled therapy services and recommended durable medical equipment (DME)-mobility assistive equipment (MAE) based on the patient's health condition, diagnosis, functional prognosis, and factors that indicate treatment effectiveness and outcomes.

Medicare Policies for Mobility Assistive Equipment (.pdf) :This document provides information and resources on key Medicare requirements to support and document the need for mobility assistive equipment.

Clinician Task Force : Resources on experienced clinicians, advocacy, information and learning about complex rehab technology

 APTA: Medical Suppliers and Medicare Power Wheelchair Evaluation and Documentation (.pdf)

Fact Sheets

These 1-2 page Fact Sheets were developed as concise resources for Assistive Technology/Seating and Wheeled Mobility clinicians. 

Wheel Chair Measurement Part 1 Fact Sheet


Free Courses:

Link to ANPT Education Center for access to below courses

  • Wheelchair 1: Wheelchair Users and Service Delivery Overview
  • Wheelchair 2: Sitting Posture
  • Wheelchair 3: Pressure Injuries
  • Wheelchair 4: Exam & Eval Part 1 – Evaluation, Assessment, & Screening
  • Wheelchair 5: Exam & Eval Part 2 – Physical Evaluation
  • Wheelchair 6: Exam & Eval Part 3 – Assessment and Plan of Care
  • Wheelchair 7: Terms and Definitions, Dimensions and Angles: An Organizational Framework   
  • Wheelchair 8: Introduction to Seating Technologies
  • Wheelchair 9: Introduction to Wheeled Mobility
  • Wheelchair 10: Documentation for Wheelchair Seating and Mobility Technologies

Related Resources

  • RESNA Position Papers:
    A RESNA Position Paper on Clinical Practice is an official statement by the organization that, based on the consensus of experts and evidence summarizes current research and best-practice trends in relevant areas of Assistive Technology. These Position Papers on Clinical Practice, issued by the international professional organization, declare the necessity (medical and/or functional) of specific assistive technology devices and services under appropriate circumstances, and guide practitioners in decision making. 


Seating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide 1st Edition authors Michelle L. Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS and Jean Minkel, PT, ATP   Buy online here

Online Publications

New Mobility, Life Beyond Wheels

The magazine for active wheelchair users.