Healthy Habits:
- provides resources to help with healthy nutrition including tip sheets, recipes and more
- National Sleep Foundation provides information on how sleep impacts health and wellness, information on various sleep disorders and treatment options
- National Institute of Mental Health provides resources to help better understand stress and mental health including brochures and facts sheets and also how to find treatment
- Smoking Cessation provides strategies to help people quit smoking
- US Prevention Service Task Force provides evidence based recommendations about clinical prevention services.
Physical Activity, Exercise, Fitness & Wellness:
- National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) includes information on accessible fitness options
- Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion includes current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and the Move Your Way Campaign with resources to help promote physical activity, exercise and fitness
- Here are some specific resources developed for people with neurological conditions by physical therapists to help promote lifelong physical activity and exercise…
Patient Advocacy Organizations with Health Promotion & Wellness Resources::
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Foundation booklets on fitness, mood, and sleep
- Michael J. Fox Foundation (hover over “Understanding Parkinson’s” for information on diet, exercise, sleep, anxiety, and fatigue):
- American Parkinson’s Disease Association Education and Support Page
- Davis Phinney Foundation -Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease (exercise, sleep, etc.)
Traumatic Brain Injury
Spinal Cord Injury
- NCHPAD: “Life on Wheels: A guide for living a healthy, active life with a spinal cord injury
- Spinal Cord Injury Essentials patient handouts
- Paralyzed Veterans of America -Adapted Sports
- Craig H Neilsen Foundation -Psychosocial Research (resource for clinical researchers):
- Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
- SCI Action Canada Lab
- National Stroke Association
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
- American Heart/Stroke Association
- Dr. Janice Eng’s Post-Stroke Community Fitness Program.
Huntington’s Disease
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)