For Consumers:
1. Travel resources for wheelchair users: Home and travel- Reeve Foundation (
2. Consumer's guide to seating and mobility equipment: The Wheelchair Handbook: A consumer's guide to seating and mobility equipment (
For Clinicians:
APTA: Medical Suppliers and Medicare Power Wheelchair Evaluation and Documentation
This document can be used as a resource for the specialized assessment, intervention, and supportive documentation PT's provide in regards to providing "complex seating and wheeled mobility evaluations".
General Mobility Device Clinical Documentation Guide (.pdf) : This documentation guide provides information for physical therapists regarding documenting to demonstrate the patient’s need for skilled therapy services and recommended durable medical equipment (DME)-mobility assistive equipment (MAE) based on the patient's health condition, diagnosis, functional prognosis, and factors that indicate treatment effectiveness and outcomes.
Medicare Policies for Mobility Assistive Equipment (.pdf) :This document provides information and resources on key Medicare requirements to support and document the need for mobility assistive equipment.
Clinician Task Force : Resources on experienced clinicians, advocacy, information and learning about complex rehab technology
APTA: Medical Suppliers and Medicare Power Wheelchair Evaluation and Documentation (.pdf)
Fact Sheets
These 1-2 page Fact Sheets were developed as concise resources for Assistive Technology/Seating and Wheeled Mobility clinicians.
Free Courses:
Link to ANPT Education Center for access to below courses
- Wheelchair 1: Wheelchair Users and Service Delivery Overview
- Wheelchair 2: Sitting Posture
- Wheelchair 3: Pressure Injuries
- Wheelchair 4: Exam & Eval Part 1 – Evaluation, Assessment, & Screening
- Wheelchair 5: Exam & Eval Part 2 – Physical Evaluation
- Wheelchair 6: Exam & Eval Part 3 – Assessment and Plan of Care
- Wheelchair 7: Terms and Definitions, Dimensions and Angles: An Organizational Framework
- Wheelchair 8: Introduction to Seating Technologies
- Wheelchair 9: Introduction to Wheeled Mobility
- Wheelchair 10: Documentation for Wheelchair Seating and Mobility Technologies
Related Resources
- Functioning Everyday in a Wheelchair
This site provides information and background on the development of this self-report tool as well as instructions for the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the tool. This site also provides video case-examples of the tool administration and scoring.
National Registry of Rehabilitation Technology Suppliers
Information on complex rehab technology, advocacy, and education opportunities.Paralyzed Veterans of America
This site includes information on advocacy, research and education, veterans' benefits and rights, accessibility and the removal of architectural barriers, sports programs, and disability rights.- Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
RESNA is an interdisciplinary association of people with a common interest in technology and disability. This site includes resources, including professional development certification programs for Assistive Technology Practitioner (ATP) and Seating and Mobility Specialist (SMS).
- RESNA Position Papers:
A RESNA Position Paper on Clinical Practice is an official statement by the organization that, based on the consensus of experts and evidence summarizes current research and best-practice trends in relevant areas of Assistive Technology. These Position Papers on Clinical Practice, issued by the international professional organization, declare the necessity (medical and/or functional) of specific assistive technology devices and services under appropriate circumstances, and guide practitioners in decision making.
Wheelchair Skills Program
Resources and research on teaching and learning manual and power wheelchair skillsManufacturer resources:
- Permobil White Paper on Power Assist Devices
- Wheelchair Seating & Positioning Guide (General Rehab) –
- Wheelchair Seating & Positioning Guide for Long Term Care –
- Power Wheelchair Guide- a comprehensive introduction to optimizing power mobility for your client's function. downloadable guide
- Standing White Paper: Permobil White Paper: Power Standing
- Pressure Management Guide –
- Manual Wheelchair Guide booklet:
- A Guideline for Introducing Powered Mobility to Infants and Toddlers (
- Permobil White Paper on Power Assist Devices
Seating and Wheeled Mobility: A Clinical Resource Guide 1st Edition authors Michelle L. Lange, OTR/L, ABDA, ATP/SMS and Jean Minkel, PT, ATP Buy online here
Online Publications
New Mobility, Life Beyond Wheels
The magazine for active wheelchair users.