Teaching examples (many of which lend themselves to a virtual format) from ANPT  Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content, v. 2016

Hypoxic Ischemic Brain Injury Fact Sheets

Traumatic Brain Injury Evidence Database to Guide Effectiveness (TBI EDGE)
Compilation of recommendations of outcome measures appropriate for use in TBI-related clinical care, research, and DPT education


Clinical Practice Guidelines:  Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment After Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Addresses screening and diagnosis, examination, and interventions for persons 8 years of age and older who experienced a concussive event

Concussion:  PT Now Clinical Summary
Comprehensive evidence-based summary of concussion and its management across all elements of the patient/ client management model

Behavioral Challenges After Brain Injury Fact Sheet
Summary of behavioral issues seen after TBI and their impact on the rehabilitation process and plan of care

Podcast-TBI Journal Club:  Managing Behavioral Disorders in Brain Injury:  Dated 5.22.19

Exercise After Traumatic Brain Injury: Fact Sheet
General benefits of exercise and suggestions for exercise parameters and areas of focus

The Role of Physical Therapy in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness:  Patient Advocacy Paper
Prevention of secondary complications, provision of ongoing motor assessments, and use of exercise in managing persons with disordered consciousness

Brain Injury and Depression:  Patient Advocacy Paper
Overview of prevalence and causes of depression following brain injury and treatment options

Clinical Practice Guideline to Improve Locomotor Function Following Chronic Stroke, Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury, and Brain Injury
Addresses the efficacy of various physical therapy interventions designed to improve walking function in persons with stroke, motor incomplete SCI, or TBI of > 6 months duration.

Spasticity in TBI Fact sheets