Are there other professionals working or studying in the field of neurology you would recommend this program to better advance evidence-based practice, education, and research in neurologic physical therapy?

Are you an industry partner or member of the public who has an interest in neurorehabilitation?

When you join the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy, you'll join an active network of physical therapy practitioners, educators, and researchers dedicated to the prevention, examination, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of movement dysfunction impairments, functional limitations and disabilities in persons with neurologic pathology disease or injury.

Membership Fee

The annual Partner fee is $75, covering a single year of benefits (January 1- December 31), which must be submitted by December 15 of each year. This fee is required annually for each successive renewal of your Partner status.

Partner Program Member Benefits

Partner Members do not qualify for ANPT Awards, elected positions or volunteer roles on Committees.