Patients across the country are becoming better educated and demanding more and better options from their health insurance companies. The right to physical therapist services is an important option, and it is your right as a patient. Most insurance policies cover physical therapy services when provided by a physical therapist.

Federally qualified HMOs are required to have physical therapy in their benefits packages.

In most states you may see a physical therapist without a doctor's referral, but be sure to check your health insurance plan to see if physical therapist services are covered without a physician's referral.

How Private Insurance Works

From the Kaiser Family Foundation, a basic overview of private insurance for health care.

Physical Therapy & Your Insurance: A Patient's Guide to Getting the Best Coverage

The best way to take care of your health is to take an active role in your own health care. To do this, you need to know about your options and your rights as a patient.

Understanding Health Insurance Terms

Glossary for the consumer of common terms dealing with health insurance. Navigating your way through health insurance benefits can be a challenge. It is very important to understand the terminology especially when deciding which benefits will work for you and finding a plan that will best meet your needs. This brief glossary will provide insight for some of the more common terms when dealing with health insurance.

Understanding Payment for Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are professional health care providers who are licensed by the state in which they practice.

APTA Patient Action Center

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and your physical therapist (PT) are active in lobbying Congress to make sure that your services remain covered under programs like Medicare. It is important for patients to also let their voices be heard!