Past Award Recipients
- 2018 Haley Mercado, SPT "Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation Decreases Reflexes Without Changing Motor Evoked Potentials in Neurologically Intact Subjects"
- 2017 Robert Sykes, SPT "Minimal Detectable Change for Gait Speed Is Dependent on Baseline Gait Speed in Individuals With Chronic Stroke"
- 2016 Allison Amateis, SPT "Knowledge Translation Considerations for Aerobic Exercise Prescription in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease"
- 2015 Evan Sandler, SPT “A Dose-Response Analysis of Change in Walking Speed and Distance Associated With Different Forms of Locomotor Training in Persons With Motor-Incomplete SCI”
- 2014 Amandeep Gill, SPT “Clinical Versus Accelerometer-Based Tests of Fall Risk in Older Community Dwelling Adults”
- 2013 Jacqueline A. Palmer, SPT "Spatiotemporal gait asymmetry, walking efficiency and speed after stroke”
- 2012 Sarah Duffy, DPT for the presentation "Physical Activity Intensity of Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation is Related to Functional Outcome"
- 2011
- 2010 Marissa Schaeuble, Joy Resatar, Michelle Dumit, Jeannie Hartley, Kendall Schultz, Peter Rundquist, and Margaret Finley. Gait Characteristics in Persons with Chronic Stroke Classified as Limited and Full Community Ambulators
- 2009 Lesley Hlad, Rachel Breslin, Alex Lanton, and Jamie St. John. Non-Paretic Leg Muscle Activity Influences Paretic Leg Activity Post-Stroke
- 2008 Margaret Reising, Robert Kennedy, Sonia S. Palmer, Monika Pawar. Rapid release of step initiation by acoustic startle in people with Parkinson's Disease
- 2007 Tracy Diephuis, Sara Beuth, and Margot McCloy. Effects of Limb Load on Gait Initiation in Persons with Parkinson's Disease.
- 2005 Reuben T. Jessop & Christopher Horowicz. Motor Learning in Parkinson's Disease: Refinement of Movement Velocity and Endpoint Excursion in a Limits of Stability Balance Task
- 2004 Sarah Johnston, DPT. Effects of a Lateral Assist on Voluntary Step Initiation in Persons withParkinson Disease
- 2003 Jonathan Averdick & Casey Kalb. Spinal Cord Injury Induced Changes In Renshaw Cell Morphology In the Spastic Rat
- 2002 David McGee. Neurological Link Between Anxiety and Balance
- 2001 Larry Grine
- 2000 Melanie Payton, Allyson Smith, Laura Robinson, Amy Ross, Rodney Weir. The Effect of Age and Instruction Set on the Timing Characteristics of Volitional and Induced Step Initiation
- 1999 Not given
- 1998 Elise Hutner, Krutika Patel, Tracy Liu, Amin Saab, Leslie Portney, David Krebs, Kathy Gill-Body. Relationship Between the Dizziness Handicap Inventory and Clinical Balance Measures in Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
- 1997 John Campbell, Robert Macek, Bridget Foltz, Donna Fry-Welch. Age-related Changes in Upper Extremity Kinesthesis
- 1996 Raul Aguilar, Pamela S Gregory, Cindy Maurer, Tammy Trinca.
- 1995 Not given
- 1994 Gail Williamson. Assessment of Speed and Accuracy of Movement in Older Adults Using Fitts Tapping Test
- 1993 Debra Hamati
- 1992 Kathleen Clark, Laura Filbert, Suzanne Spahn. Effects of Vestibular Stimulation on Sitting Balance in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury