Health Promotion and Wellness in Neurologic Physical Therapy: Strategies to Advance Practice.  Authored by Miriam Rafferty, Elissa Held Bradford, Stacy Fritz, Karen Hutchinson, Kimberly Miczac, Arielle Resnick, and Sandra Billinger. Published in April 2022 issue of JNPT.


Development and Results of an Implementation Plan for High-Intensity Gait Training.  Authored by Jennifer Moore & Colleagues.  Published in October 2021 issue of JNPT.   


Upper Limb Robotic Rehabilitation after Stroke: A Multicenter, Randomized Clinical Trial.  Authored by Irene Aprile, Marco Germanotta, and Arianna Cruciani, Published in the January 2020 edition of JNPT


Mental Singing Reduces Gait Variability More Than Music Listening for Healthy Older Adults and People with Parkinson Disease. Authored by Harrison, Elinor C. BA, PhD; Horin, Adam P. BS, MA; Earhart, Gammon M. PT, PhD, FAPTA.; Published in October 2019 edition of JNPT


A Backward Walking Training Program to Improve Balance and Mobility in Acute Stroke: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Authored by Rose, Dorian K.; DeMark, Lou; Fox, Emily J.; Published in January 2018 edition of JNPT


Effects of 2 Years of Exercise on Gait Impairment in People With Parkinson Disease: The PRET-PD Randomized Trial. Authored by Rafferty, Miriam R.; Prodoehl, Janey; Robichaud, Julie A. Published in January 2017 edition of JNPT


Relationship Between Walking Capacity, Biopsychosocial Factors, Self-efficacy, and Walking Activity in Persons Poststroke. Authored by Kelly A Danks, Ryan T Pohlig, Margie Roos, Tamara R Wright, and Darcy Reisman, published in the October 2016 edition of JNPT.


Effects of Group, Individual, and Home Exercise in Persons With Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Authored by King, Laurie A.; Wilhelm, Jennifer; Chen, Yiyi; Published in October 2015 edition of JNPT


Effects of Amplitude Cueing on Postural Responses and Preparatory Cortical Activity of People with Parkinson's Disease. Authored by Beth Smith, Jesse Jacobs, Fay Horak, published in Octoberber 2014 issue of JNPT.


Aerobic Exercise in Subacute Stroke Improves Cardiovascular Health and Physical Performance. Authored by Sandra Billinger, Anna Mattlage, Abigail Ashenden, Angela Lentz, Gabe Harter, and Michael Rippee, published in December 2012 issue of JNPT.



Efficacy of Gaze Stability Exercises in Older Adults With Dizziness. Authored by Courtney D. Hall, PT, PhD, Lisa Heusel-Gillig, PT, DPT, Ronald J. Tusa, MD, PhD, and Susan Herdman, PT, PhD, published in June 2010 issue of JNPT (Volume 34, Issue 2, pp 64-69)   


The Effects of Exercise on Balance in Persons with Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review Across the Disability Spectrum. Authored by Leland E. Dibble, PT, PhD, ATC, Odessa Addison, PT, DPT and Evan Papa, MS, published in the March 2009 issue of JNPT (Volume 33, Number 1, pp 14-26)  


Neural Substrates of Cognitive Load Changes During a Motor Task in Subjects with Stroke. Authored by Teresa Jacobson Kimberley PT PhD, Scott M. Lewis MD PhD, Carolyn Strand, Brooke Darst Rice, Stephanie Hall, and Patricia Slivnik, published in the September 2008 issue of JNPT (Volume 32, Number 3, pp.110-117).


Counting Repetitions: An Observational Study of Outpatient Therapy for People with Hemiparesis Post-Stroke. authored by Catherine Lang, PT, PhD, Jillian MacDonald and Christopher Gnip, DPT

Randomized Control Trial of Effects of a 10-Week Inspiratory Muscle Training Program on Measures of Pulmonary Function on Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Authored by Donna K. Fry, PT, PhD, Lucinda A. Pfalzer, PT, PhD, FACSM, Anang R. Chokshi, DPT, Michelle T. Wagner, DPT, and Emily Jackson, DPT


Explicit Information Interferes with Motor Learning of Both Continuous and Discrete Tasks after Stroke. authored by Lara Boyd PT PhD and Carolee Winstein PT PhD. The article was published in the June 2006 issue of Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (Volume 30, Number 2 pp 46-59).


Center of Pressure Measures during Standing Tasks in Minimally Impaired Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Authored by Gregory M. Karst, PT, PhD; Dawn M. Venema, PT, MPT; Tammy G. Roehrs, PT, MA; Amy E. Tyler PhD. The article was published in the December 2006 issue of Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (Volume 29, Number 4 pp 170-180).


Maximal Speed Gait Initiation of Healthy Elderly Individuals and Person's with Parkinson Disease that was. Authored by Lee Dibble, PhD, PT; Diane Nicholson, PhD, PT, NCS; Barry Shultz, PhD; Bruce A. MacWilliams, PhD; Robin L. Marcus, PhD, PT, OCS; and Carolee Moncur, PhD, PT. The article was published in the March 2004 issue of the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (Volume 28, Number 1 pp 2-11).


The Effect of Cognitive Demand on Time Up and Go Performance in Older Adults With and Without Parkinson Disease. Authored by Curt M. Campbell, MPT; Jennifer L. Rowse, MPT; Marcia A. Ciol, PhD; and Anne Shumway-Cook, PhD, PT.


Development and Testing of a Novel EMG Feedback Technology to Induce Movement. Authored by Krista Coleman, PT, PhD, Jackie Harry, PT, MS


Effects of Exercise on the Motor Control of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: Case Studies. Authored by Catherine Curtis, PT, EdD, Clare C. Bassile, PT, EdD, Luciene J. Cote, MD, A. M. Gentile, PhD.





The award recognizes the most outstanding article published each year. The decision is made by JNPT Reviewers and Editorial Board members and is based on the article's conceptualization, execution, presentation and contribution to physical therapy practice. The award recognizes the most outstanding article published each year. The decision is made by JNPT Reviewers and Editorial Board members and is based on the article's conceptualization, execution, presentation and contribution to physical therapy practice.