Welcome to the Vestibular Rehabilitation Special Interest Group (VR SIG)! The mission of the VR SIG is to provide a forum for APTA Academy of Neurological Physical Therapy Section members who have a common interest in the promotion of health, wellness, optimal function, and quality of life for individuals with balance and vestibular disorders. The VR SIG is committed to facilitating advances in physical therapy for patient management, education, research and health care policy that reflect the needs of those we serve. 

We encourage you to browse our website which can be found by accessing the Academy of Neurological Physical Therapy webpage at www.neuropt.org and clicking on the “Special Interest Groups” tab.  We provide a number of different resources to members including information on coding and reimbursement, vestibular continuing education courses, patient and physician education materials, eye movement videos and social networking on our Facebook page.  Below is a synopsis of some of the great resources you can find on our webpage.

Patient and Provider Fact Sheets: Currently the SIG has provided 29 different patient education fact sheets, which are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic, Chinese.  There are 23 different handouts specifically written for providers and other referral sources. 

Vestibular Providers Map: Find other vestibular rehab providers across the country.  If you are interested in adding your contact info to the map please email Diego Rodriguez

Abstract of the Week: As a member of the VR SIG, you also receive a weekly email containing the “Abstract of the Week.” The topic changes monthly and covers various areas of vestibular rehabilitation such as concussions, migraines, and atypical BPPV. This is a wonderful way to learn about various research articles pertaining to vestibular rehab, as the abstracts arrive conveniently to your inbox!

Dizzy Pub Fare: Please be sure to check out the “Dizzy Pub Fare” to stay up to date with the latest in vestibular research. The “Dizzy Pub Fare” is a monthly list of articles that identifies timely, emerging evidence within the clinical and scientific literature for rehabilitation providers interested in treating and investigating vestibular dysfunction. Topic areas of emphasis include: vestibular rehab, basic science, pathology, and clinical assessment.  

Podcasts: Our podcasts are another great way to stay abreast of current trends in vestibular rehab. The podcasts last about 30-40 minutes and feature vestibular therapists and educators from across the country discussing specific topics about vestibular rehab. The level of the material varies with the topic, from beginner to advanced. The podcasts can be accessed by following the link on the website.

After you finish exploring all of the amazing services that the Vestibular SIG has to offer, remember that each one started with participation by members like you.  There are often opportunities to work on projects both large and small.  One way to get involved is to nominate yourself or someone else for a board position.  Positions are elected on a rotating basis with elections held every spring. Each year, two positions are on the slate for election and each term lasts 3 years.  Elected positions include: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and three members of the Nominating Committee. There will also be a Chair Elect position available for one year prior to becoming the chair.

In addition to board positions we welcome volunteers for many of our ongoing projects.  If you are interested in a board position or getting involved in a project please contact any of the SIG leaders.  

We look forward to hearing from you,

 Your Vestibular SIG

For a New Member PDF letter click HERE