The Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy promotes the development and dissemination of new knowledge concerning physical therapy management of persons with neurologic dysfunction We also serve as a major source of information on neurologic physical therapy for the profession.
We sponsor continuing education programs courses on the ANPT Education Center, CSM pre-conferences courses and programming for Academy members.
We support members who pursue the Neurologic Clinical Specialty (NCS) by publishing and sponsoring specialized education programming.
Members stay current through a complimentary subscription to the peer reviewed Journal of Neurological Physical Therapy (JNPT) which includes research paper, critical reviews, case reports, special interest topics, abstracts of conference platforms and poster presentations and proceedings.
As an ANPT member you also have a membership to the International Neurological Physical Therapy Association
We also provide ongoing support for scholarships in neurologic physical therapy.
A portion of your APTA/ANPT dues may be tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. Visit the APTA Tax Information page for clarification on any non- qualifying dues portion due to lobbying activities on behalf of membership.