President: Nancy Fell, PT, PhD, FAPTA
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Chattanooga, TN
Nancy Fell, PT, Phd, FAPTA is UC Foundation and Guerry Professor and Department Head for Physical Therapy at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). She received her entry-level physical therapy degree from St. Louis University, advanced master’s degree from Washington University in St. Louis, and PhD in motor behavior and motor learning from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She was board certified as a clinical specialist in neurologic physical therapy from 1995-2015, and now holds emeritus status. Nancy has treated individuals with neurologic conditions in acute care, home health, inpatient rehab, and outpatient settings. She entered academia full-time in 1995, teaching PT management of adults and elders with neurologic dysfunction until 2019. She currently teaches neuroscience and serves as the DPT program’s department head.
Vice-President: Anne Galgon, PT, MPT, PhD
Saint Joseph's University
Glenside, PA
Anne Galgon is a Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and has been a fulltime faculty member in entry-level physical therapy program since 2001. Anne holds a Masters in Physical Therapy from Hahnemann University and Doctor of Philosophy in movement sciences from Drexel University. She is a board-certified clinical specialist in neurologic physical therapy since 1998. She has practice physical therapy for over 35 years; primarily managing patients with neurologic, vestibular and balance disorders. Her current teaching areas include movement sciences, neurosciences, evidence-based practice and clinical management of neuromuscular and vestibular related disorders. Her research focuses on physical therapy management of vestibular disorders.
Secretary: Kate Kugler, PT, DPT*
Creighton University
Program in Physical Therapy
Omaha, NE
Kate Kugler, PT, DPT, Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist is an Assistant Professor at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, teaching primarily in an Integrated Lab setting and on the clinical education team. Her primary area of expertise and practice is in acute care, working primarily on a neuroscience unit. Kate completed her professional degree as well as her neurologic physical therapy residency at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. She is a board-certified clinical specialist in neurologic physical therapy and her primary areas of expertise and interest in practice are working with patients with stroke, Parkinson’s disease, functional movement disorders, and balance and fall prevention in the older adult.
* Dr. Kugler is a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist.
Treasurer: Joni G. Barry, PT, DPT*
Maryville University
Program in Physical Therapy
St. Louis, Missouri
Joni G Barry PT, DPT, Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialists is a Professor of Physical Therapy at Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri where she has taught full time since 2004. She received her MS in PT from Arcadia University (Beaver College) and her tDPT from MGH-IHP. She has been board certified in neurologic physical therapy since 1997. She has treated individuals with neurologic conditions in acute care, inpatient rehab and outpatient settings. She was previously a member of the ABPTS Neurologic Specialty Council as well as item-writer for the Specialization Academy of Content Experts. Her research agenda has focused on clinical area such as management of chronic hemiparesis and balance after acoustic neuroma resection as well as looking at using technology and games in neuroanatomy education.
* Dr. Barry is a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist.
Director of Communications: Timothy Nordahl, PT
Boston University Center for Neurorehabilitation
Parkinson Disease Program
Boston, MA
Timothy (Tim) Nordahl is a clinical research physical therapist at the Boston University Center for Neurorehabilitation. There, he provides physical therapy services for people with neurologic disorders, primarily Parkinson disease; and assists in the conducting of research studies investigating physical therapy and PD. He has previously worked in a hospital outpatient rehabilitation setting for people with vestibular disorders, impaired balance, and a variety of other conditions.
Director of Education: Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, MPPA*
Washington University
Saint Louis, MO
Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, MPPA, Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist is a Professor of Physical Therapy and Neurology at the Washington University-Program in Physical Therapy. She obtained BS, MS, and DPT degrees from Washington University and a Masters of Public Policy Administration from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She has over 35 years of clinical experience and over 20 years as a faculty educator. She treated for 12 years in the inpatient rehabilitation setting, working with individuals post stroke, SCI, and TBI. Since that time, she has practice in the outpatient setting focusing on treating people with Parkinson Disease and other movement disorders as well as SCI, adult CP, and stroke. She has served in varied management and administrative roles, leading her program’s clinical division for 13 years. She teaches content related to clinical management of neuromuscular conditions as well as practice management. Dr. Crowner has had multiple publications and presentations at the national level. In addition she is a manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. She was previously an item-writer for the Specialization Academy of Content Experts, member of the StrokEDGE taskforce, Director of Practice, and Co-Chair of the Knowledge Translation Taskforce for the CPG for Parkinson Disease.
* Dr. Crowner is a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist.
Director of Knowledge Synthesis: Irene Ward, PT, DPT*
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation
West Orange, NJ
Irene Ward, PT, DPT, Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist is the research coordinator for the Brain Injury Program at the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation where she collaborates with an inter-professional team of rehabilitation professionals to develop research projects and facilitates evidence-based practice through knowledge translation efforts focused on adults with acquired brain injury. Her presentations and publications reflect her work in this area. Dr. Ward received her Master and Doctor of Physical Therapy degrees from Temple University in 2001 and 2003 respectively. She is an adjunct instructor for Seton Hall University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program in courses on the methods and application of evidence based practice. Dr. Ward has had the privilege of working on several knowledge synthesis initiatives for the ANPT over the past ten years including the development of the Evidence Based Document Manual, clinical practice guidelines and EDGE documents.
*Dr. Ward is a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist
Director of Practice: Wendy Romney, PT, DPT, PhD*
Sacred Heart University
Assistant Professor
Fairfield, CT
Wendy Romney, PT, DPT, PhD, Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Science at Sacred Heart University. She teaches physical therapy examination and treatment of patients with neurological disease and dysfunction and medically complex issues. Her research is focused on knowledge translation and improving the use of outcome measures in physical therapy practice. She is a Board-Certified Specialist in Neurological Physical Therapy and continues to practice at the Center of Excellence for Neurological Health at Sacred Heart University.
* Dr. Romney is a Board Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist.
Director of Research: Patrick Sparto, PT, PhD, FAPTA
University of Pittsburgh
Co-Director and Associate Professor, DPT-PhD in Bio-Engineering Program
Pittsburgh, PA
Patrick Sparto, PT, PhD is an associate professor in the Department of Physical Therapy and founding co-director of the DPT-PhD in Bioengineering program at the University of Pittsburgh. He teaches in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program and is graduate faculty in the SHRS PhD program in Rehabilitation Science. His current areas of research include the investigation of postural control in older adults, with an emphasis on studying neural and biomechanical control of step initiation.