Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) are graded recommendations on best practice for a specific condition based on the systematic review and evaluation of the quality of the scientific literature.  These documents are defined by a stringent methodology and formal process for development.  Clinical practice guidelines are required to bridge the gap between evidence and recommendation and are comprised of both evidence-based and expert-based information to guide clinical practice decision-making. Although variation can exist, all must meet standard criteria and follow a defined policy and procedure.  The Director of Knowledge Synthesis works with the Evidence-based Documents Committee to identify CPG topics, formulate CPG work groups, and oversee the development of a CPG.  When a CPG is close to completion the Practice Committee creates and oversees a Knowledge Translation (KT) taskforce that works for 1-2 years to create tools, processes and strategies for dissemination, implementation of the CPG. 

If you or your site would like to use the BERG, FGA, 5xSTS, 10MWT, 6MWT it is open access and freely available for use. For use of the ABC, please reach out to the author. If you would like to use resources created directly by ANPT, please email

Current CPG's completed or in process are listed below:

 CPGCPG Status KT Task ForceResource Page 

Hypofunction: Original

Published CompleteFor more information click here 
Outcome MeasuresPublished Active   For more information click here 
Locomotor - Chronic CVA, SCI, TBIPublished Active   For more information click here  
 Use of AFO's and FES Post-Stroke PublishedActive   For more information click here  
 ConcussionPublished Active   For more information click here  
Hypofunction: Revision  
Published Active  

 For more information click here

Parkinson's Disease  Published   Active For more information click here

Locomotor -  Subacute CVA, SCI, TBI 

In Development   

Balance Rehabilitation and Falls Prevention in Neurological Populations 

 In Development  

If there are any questions or comments please contact the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Director of Knowledge Synthesis, Irene Ward, PT, DPT.