About Us

The SCI SIG provides education and resources for physical therapy clinicians, rehabilitation specialists, and patients/clients. Membership in the SCI SIG is open to any member of ANPT and the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).

The SCI SIG's regular activities include:

  • Professional Conferences -- We organize and present programming and focused sessions at the APTA's annual Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) and the ANPT's Annual Conference.
  • Patient Advocacy -- We participate in advocacy at local and national levels through education and grassroots efforts.
  • Website -- Our website provides members with access to clinician fact sheets, a spinal cord injury research podcast, an SCI calendar, and more! 


The mission of the SCI SIG is to optimize rehabilitation and maximize participation of persons with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D) as active members of their communities. The SCI SIG shares knowledge and expertise, assembles and publicizes resources, and disseminates evidence about SCI/D rehabilitation.


The SCI SIG will serve as a preferred conduit for information, resources, and professional networking related to the rehabilitation of persons with spinal cord injury and/or disorders (SCI/D). The SCI SIG will also build domestic and international relationships to advance knowledge translation in the practice of SCI rehabilitation.