The Review was designed using Medline filters to extract high impact research articles related to the field of neuroscience, which includes areas of motor control, rehabilitation, clinical neurophysiology, and technology.  Emphasis is placed heavily on articles published recently, that cover issues related to spinal cord injury, stroke, balance and falls, brain injury, degenerative diseases, and vestibular rehabilitation. The list contains the full citation and a link to the abstract or full text article, if available. 

ANPT recognizes the difficulty some of our members have with accessing research articles. Therefore, we have made every effort to choose recently published articles that are full text available through a link on PubMed or directly through the link on the Research in Review citation. To further facilitate your research inquiries, we also provide links to common search engines that have full text availability. 

The Research in Review Newsletter and the #ResearchThursday are documents selected by the Research Committee which highlight abstracts. These were originally shared on the ANPT platforms. Only members have access by logging into the website to view current and previous files.

Best regards,


The Research in Review Editorial Team

  • Antionette Domingo, PT, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)
    San Diego State University
  • Sujata Pradhan, PT, PhD (Co-Chair)
    University of Washington
  • Giovanni Berardi, DPT, PhD
    University of Iowa
  • Pamela Dunlap, DPT, PhD
    University of Pittsburgh
  • Tara McIsaac, PT, PhD
    Creighton University 
  • Jacqueline Palmer, PT, DPT, PhD
    University of Kansas Medical Center
  • Evan Papa, DPT, PhD
    Tufts University