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Board of Directors: Director of Research

A. The individual should be a physical therapist and neurology section member for at least 2 years, have a PhD level education, have a currently active research agenda and publication record related to neurological research.

B. Steers and coordinates Section Research efforts consistent with Section goals and the strategic plan.

C. Serves as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the Research Committee

D Serves as a voting member of the Section's Board of Directors

E. Coordinates conference calls with Research Committee

F. Meets annually at CSM with Research Committee.

G. Works with the CSM program chair regarding the Anne Shumway-Cook Lectureship themes during the planning stages of CSM.

H. Serves as point of communication to Foundation for PT regarding Neurorehabilitation Research issues.

I. Develops, reviews and/or revises yearly research strategic plan for the section.

J. Submits a committee report to the President prior to the Board of Directors retreat in fall (per Executive Director’s call for reports) of activities and objectives accomplished and strategic goals for the following year. Updates this report as needed in January prior to CSM.

Board of Directors - Duties and Responsibilities


A. The Board of Directors shall consist of eight voting members: President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Communications, Director of Education and Director of Research.

        1. An exception applies in the years when there is not a President-Elect, thereby making the 
           total number of voting members seven.

B. In addition, ad hoc non-voting members can include any other Section members assigned to the Board of Directors by the voting members.

C. A quorum shall constitute five (5) voting members.


A. Carries out the mandates and policies of the Section as determined by the membership at business meetings. Between business meetings, the Board of Directors may make and implement policy on behalf of the membership as is consistent with the mandates and bylaws of the Section. Such policies will be presented to the membership at the next business meeting or via e-news or the webpage.

B. Directs all business and financial functions on behalf of the Section. The Board of Directors may not commit the Section to any financial obligation in excess of its available resources.

C. Keeps the membership informed of the Board of Director's activities and other information relevant to Section functions. commit the Section to any financial obligation in excess of its available resources.

D. Appoints members to fill unexpired terms of office on the Board of Directors with the exception of the Section President.

E. The CSM Program Chair, Regional Program Chair, and the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy Editor are appointed by the Board of Directors

F. The Board of Directors may appoint special committees, task forces, or individuals as deemed necessary. Composition, tenure, reporting, and other responsibilities of such entities shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

G. Holds meetings in conformity with Association and Section policies.

H. Establishes and dissolves committees and task forces.

I. Selects Section members to serve as Section delegate and alternate delegate to the House of Delegates.





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