General Information about SCI
Community Integration/Peer Forums
  • Job Accommodation Network is an international toll-free consulting service that provides employment information for people with disabilities. Not a job placement service. 
  • The National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA) has an interactive chat room, news room, resource center, message board, communication desk and list of upcoming events. 
  • New Mobility has information on equipment and links to other sites. 
  • Spinal Cord Essentials is a website that provides patient education resources with handouts on mobility, bowel and bladder, medical issues, equipment, etc.
  • The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation has frequently asked questions for individuals with spinal cord injuries and their families, as well as links to current research studies and peer mentoring. 
  • United Spinal Association aims to improve the quality of life of people with SCI/D through education, peer support, civil rights advocacy, support groups, consulting services, employment assistance, and a network of regional chapters. 
  • Will2Walk Foundation provides scholarships to help people with traumatic SCI pay for products and services like education, medical supplies, sports equipment, personal growth and development, therapy, and transportation.
Health/Fitness and Sports