Aging with SCI
Autonomic Dysreflexia
Bone Mineral Density
- Bone Mineral Density Loss after SCI: Overview
- Bone Mineral Density Loss after SCI: Diagnosis
- Bone Mineral Density Loss after SCI: Intervention
Bowel and Bladder
- Bowel Management After SCI: An Overview (2021)
- Bowel Management After SCI: Nutrition, Exercise, and Therapeutic Intervention (2021)
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Urinary Tract (2021)
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Prevention (2022)
Cardiovascular Disease
- Cardiometabolic Disease and SCI: Overview (2021)
- Cardiometabolic Disease and SCI: Management (2021)
- Cardiovascular Disease Management After SCI
- Hypertension and SCI (2021)
Letter of Medical Necessity
- Nutrition After SCI: An Overview (2021)
- SCI and Weight Control (2021)
- SCI and Obesity (2021)
Orthostatic Hypotension
- Orthostatic Hypotension (2021)
- Pain and Spinal Cord Injury (2021)
- Classification of Pain in SCI (2021)
Physical Activity
- Physical Activity and SCI: Overview (2021)
- Physical Activity and SCI: Barriers (2021)
- Physical Activity and SCI: Exercise Guidelines (2021)
Reproductive System
SCI Syndromes
- Anterior Cord Syndrome (2022)
- Brown-Sequard Syndrome: Overview (2022)
- Central Cord Syndrome: Overview (2021)
- Cauda Equina Syndrome (2022)
- Shoulder Health after SCI: Overview
- Shoulder Health after SCI: PT Examination
- Shoulder Health after SCI: PT Intervention
- Shoulder Health after SCI: Prevention and Medical Intervention
- Shoulder Preservation: Overview
- Shoulder Preservation: Bed Positioning/Bed Mobility
- Shoulder Preservation: Wheelchair Mobility & Reaching
- Shoulder Preservation: Transfers
- Shoulder Preservation: Ambulation
Wheelchair Mobility
- Wheelchair Accessibility
- Wheelchair Cushions
- Power Wheelchairs: Features and Accessories
- Power Wheelchairs: Alternative Drive Controls
- Wheelchair Fit: Part 1
- Wheelchair Fit: Part 2
- Dependent Curb Negotiation
- Advanced Skills: Wheelies
- Advanced Skills: Independent Curb Negotiation
The SCI SIG plans to develop more on additional SCI related topics. If you are interested in helping with Fact Sheet development, or have a topic of interest you would like to see covered in a future Fact Sheet, please contact us at