Teaching examples from the ANPT Compendium for Teaching Professional Level Physical Therapy Neurologic Content, v. 2016
- Motion Analysis of Sit-to-Stand and Gait - 4 Neurological Pathologies
- Flipped Classroom Learning for Cranial Nerves
- Examination Case Study - Outcome Measure Selection
- Intervention Case Study - Integrating Course Concepts and Evidence-Based Practice
- Linking Mechanisms of Neurophysiological Changes to Goal Setting and PT Interventions in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses
- Patient Education Lab and Assignment
- Guillain Barre Syndrome - Jigsaw Case
- Interventions for Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Disease
Podcast: Pupillometry in Balance Research with Melike Kahya
An interview with Melike Kahya, a graduate student at the University of Kansas whose research uses pupillometry and the assessment of balance and posture in healthy adults and people with Parkinson’s Disease.
EDGE Outcome Measure Recommendations
Compilation of recommendations of outcome measures appropriate for use in Multiple Sclerosis-related clinical care, research, and DPT education
- One Page Summary of Recommendations
- Clinical by Disease Severity
- Entry Level Education
- Research
- Single Measure Detailed Ratings
- Table All Measures
Huntington's Disease
Online Education: Five free ANPT Education Center Courses
- Overview
- Evaluation of Individuals with Huntington's Disease Across Disease Stages
- Early/Middle State Interventions for Individuals with Huntington's Disease
- Late Stage Interventions for Individuals with Huntington's Disease
- Reimbursement Issues
Multiple Sclerosis
Compilation of recommendations of outcome measures appropriate for use in Multiple Sclerosis-related clinical care, research, and DPT education
- The Final MS EDGE Document, which provides the complete summary of all outcome measures reviewed by the MS EDGE Task Force
- One page summary table of the MS EDGE document
- Summary of MS EDGE Measures: Entry Level Education
- Summary of Measures: Acute Care of Persons with MS
- Summary of Measures: Inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation of persons with MS
- Summary of Measures for Multiple Sclerosis Research
Resources About Neurodegenerative Diseases
Comprehensive list of websites with relevant information on the topics of Alzheimer’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Huntington’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and General Neurodegenerative Diseases
Neurodegenerative Diseases Fact Sheets
- Concise summaries covering different aspects of various neurodegenerative diseases
Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group Podcasts
- 12 (and counting) podcasts featuring content experts who address advances in practice and the challenges of providing care for persons with neurodegenerative diseases, such as “Effects of a 6-week Cognitively Challenging Agility Exercise Program in People with Parkinson’s Disease with Laurie King” and “Clinical Utility of the Single-Leg Calf Raise in People with MS with Paul Kline and Mark Manago”
Degenerative Diseases Infographics
- Infographic depiction of the following information:
- 6 Minute Walk Test MDC and MCID Information
- Functional Gait Assessment Scoring Tips
- Parkinson MDCs for Core Outcome Measures
- Statistics of Falls in Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Core Outcomes Calculator
- ALS Clinical Guidelines
- ALS Overview