The focus of the conference will be in 4 areas, namely:
-Movement disorders
-Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
The virtual event will take place on November 16 and 17 in four sessions over the course of 2 days, each covering one of the listed focus areas. Each facilitated session will be anchored by a world-renowned keynote speaker supported by a panel discussion.
Dr. Michael Schubert will be joined by 8 other vestibular PTs from around the globe and Dr. Sue Whitney will be the moderator. Following Dr, Schubert will be an acute and chronic case of persons living with a vestibular disorder.
Peripheral Vestibular Hypofunction Clinical Practice Guideline
Jan 29, 2024
Vestibular Rehabilitation Special Interest Group CSM 2024 Business Meeting.
Here is the presentation for those that were not able to attend.
What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?
Click HERE as described by Sara Oxborough.