
Appreciating Proprioception

Author(s): Anthony Kincaid, PhD, PT

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation


Clinical Application of DCML Tract

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Flipped Learning, Foundation


Clinical Application of the Lateral Spinothalamic Tract

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


Clinical Conditions Project

Author(s): Lois D. Hedman, PT, DScPT; Jennifer Kahn, PT, DPT, NCS; Kristin Krosschell, PT, DPT, MA, PCS; Roberto Lopez-Rosado DPT, MSPT, MA; Kathy Martinez, PT, MA, NCS; Jane Sullivan, PT, DHS

Grading rubric, Lower Motor Neuron, Flipped Learning, Foundation


Differentiating Upper from Lower Motor Neuron Lesions

Author(s): Anthony Kincaid, PhD, PT

Foundation, Lab, Multiple Diagnoses


Framework for Student-led Discussions about Conceptual and Theoretical Neurologic Content

Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


Interdisciplinary Case Assignment

Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, IPE, Foundation


Kinetics and Kinematics of Gait in Healthy and Post-Stroke Populations

Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


Learning and Teaching

Author(s): Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT, GCS, NCS, CWS, CEEAA, FACCWS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation


Motor System Learning Activity

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Foundation, Flipped Learning, Multiple Diagnoses


Motor System Quiz

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


Neurologic Pathways Laboratory Activity

Author(s): Desiree J. Lanzino, PT, PhD

Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation


Personal Insights into Neurological Disorders

Author(s): Anthony Kincaid, PhD, PT

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation


Spinal Cord Injury Lesions

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

SCI, Flipped Learning, Foundation


Spinal Cord Injury Lesions Learning Activity

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

SCI, Flipped Learning, Foundation


Stroke Location Identification Lab

Author(s): Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT, GCS, NCS, CWS, CEEAA, FACCWS

CVA, Lab, Examination, Foundation


Student Teaching Lab

Author(s): Susan Leach, PT, PhD, NCS, CEEAA; Elizabeth Ruckert, PT, DPT, NCS, GCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation


The Central Visual Pathway

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


The Dorsal Column-Medical Lemniscal System

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


The Motor Control System

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


The Spinothalamic System

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning


Variables that Affect Practice and Learning (VAPAL) Case Presentation

Author(s): Clare C. Bassile, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Foundation


Visual Pathways Learning Activity

Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning

Movement Analysis

Motion Analysis of Sit-to-Stand and Gait - 4 Neurological Pathologies

Author(s): Melissa Peterson, PT, PhD, GCS; Brenda Pratt, PT, DSC

Intervention, Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Movement Analysis

Movement Analysis

Motion Analysis of Sit-to-Stand and Gait Across the Lifespan

Author(s): Melissa Peterson, PT, PhD, GCS; Brenda Pratt, PT, DSC

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Movement Analysis

Movement Analysis

Movement Analysis Lab

Author(s): Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT, GCS, NCS, CWS, CEEAA, FACCWS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Movement Analysis

Movement Analysis

Practical Application of Systems Theory to Infant and Child Skill Acquisition and Performance Assignment

Author(s): Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS; Lana Svien, PT, PhD

Pediatrics, Community Based, Movement Analysis

Prevention and Wellness

Brain Safety Fair

Author(s): Sam Pierce, PT, PhD, NCS; Kerstin Palombaro, PT, PhD, CAPS; Jill Black, PT, DPT, EdD

Prevention and Wellness

Exercise Considerations for Persons Living with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Author(s): Craig Newsam, PT, DPT

SCI, Lab, Wellness


A Laboratory Competency Check-Off to Assess Introductory Skills for Vestibular Rehabilitation

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS

Vestibular, Competency, Examination


Autonomic Dysreflexia Simulation

Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS

Grading rubric, SCI, Lab, Examination


Balance Examination Lab and Integrated Patient Experience

Author(s): Rebecca Martin, PT, DPT, NCS; Vicki LaFay, PT, DPT, CSCS, CEEAA; George Fulk, PT, PhD

Balance, Integrated Clinical Activity, Examination


Differential Diagnosis Cases

Author(s): Susan Perry, PT, DPT

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Examination


Flipped Classroom Learning for Cranial Nerves

Author(s): Heather Dillion Anderson, PT, DPT, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Examination, Flipped Learning


Infant Development Day - Interprofessional Learning Experience

Author(s): Laura Plummer, PT, DPT, MS, NCS; Anne McCarthy Jacobson, PT, DPT, MS; Elise Townsend, PT, PhD, DPT, PCS; Pat Reidy, DNP, FNP-BC; Jennifer Mackey, CC-SLP; Andrea Fairman, PhD, OTR/L, CPRP; Lisa Walker, PA-C, MPAS; Mary Hildebrand, OTD, OTR/L

Pediatrics, IPE, Examination


Physical Therapy Examination of a Standardized Patient

Author(s): Susan Barlow, DPT, PhD, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Standardized patient, Examination


Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Part A

Author(s): Sarah Fishel, PT, DPT, NCS; Laura Gras, PT, DPT, DSc, GCS

Brain Injury, Standardized patient, Examination

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Application of Therapeutic Interventions for Individuals with Stroke in the Acute Setting (Simulation Lab Activity)

Author(s): Kathleen Volkman, PT, MS, NCS; Lora Pieper, PT, MA

CVA, Standardized patient, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Case Application of Motor Learning Principles, Progression, Regression, and Interventions for Impairments in Body Structures and Functions

Author(s): Kristin DeMars, PT, DPT, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Flipped Classroom Model for Introduction and Case Based Application to Lower Extremity Orthotics

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Gait Lab for Stroke

Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD

CVA, Lab, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Home Exercise Program

Author(s): Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, NCS, MPPA; Marghuretta Bland, PT, DPT, NCS, MSCI

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Integrating and Interpreting Research and Didactic Content Using Case Study

Author(s): Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS; Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS

Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Inter-Professional Clinical Reasoning Event

Author(s): Nora Riley, PT, PhD, NCS; Lynn Frank, PT, MSPT

CVA, Standardized patient, IPE, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Intervention Assignment

Author(s): Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, NCS, MPPA; Marghuretta Bland, PT, DPT, NCS, MSCI

Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Intervention Case Study - Integrating Course Concepts and Evidence-Based Practice

Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Intervention Case Study 1

Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS

CVA, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Intervention Case Study 2

Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS

CVA, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Intervention Case Study 3

Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS

Degenerative Disease, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Intervention Case Study 4

Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS

Degenerative Disease, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Intervention for the Shoulder Following Stroke

Author(s): Kristin DeMars, PT, DPT, NCS

CVA, Integrated Clinical Activity, Movement Analysis, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Interventions for Parkinson's Disease

Author(s): Kristin DeMars, PT, DPT, NCS

Degenerative Disease, Case based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Linking Mechanisms of Neurophysiological Changes to Goal Setting and PT Interventions in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses

Author(s): Teresa Miller, PT, PhD, GCFP; Laurie Seckel, PT, DPT, MPS, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Neurologic Intervention Analysis

Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Patient Education Lab and Assignment

Author(s): Christine Tyrell, PT, PhD, NCS

Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Physical Therapy Intervention for Patients with Neurological Injury

Author(s): Susan Barlow, DPT, PhD, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Lab Video Assessment

Author(s): Patricia McGinnis, PT, MS, PhD; Lauren Del Rossi, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Technology in Rehabilitation - In Class Learning Activity

Author(s): Christine Tyrell, PT, PhD, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Management of Care, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Part B

Author(s): Sarah Fishel, PT, DPT, NCS; Laura Gras, PT, DPT, DSc, GCS

Brain Injury, Standardized patient, Intervention

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Video LE Orthotics 1 Lecture

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Video LE Orthotics 2 Articulating AFOs

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Video LE Orthotics 3 KAFOs

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Video LE Orthotics 4 PLS and Carbon Fiber AFOs

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Video LE Orthotics 5 RGOs

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Video LE Orthotics 6 SMO

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning

Prognosis/Plan of Care/Intervention

Video LE Orthotics 7 Solid AFO and DAFO

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Degenerative Disease, Brain Injury, Flipped Learning

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

A Flipped Classroom Approach to Teaching Introductory Vestibular Rehabilitation Skills in a Laboratory Setting

Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS

Vestibular, Case based, Flipped Learning, Intervention, Examination, Brain Injury

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Case Based Oral Practical Exam

Author(s): Lisa Brown, PT, DPT, NCS

Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Competency, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Communication and Cognition Lab

Author(s): J.J. Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD, NCS, CSRS, CEEAA; Heather Coles, M.A.; CCC-SLP

Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, IPE, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Gait Lab Assignment Using Community Patient Resource Group (CPRG)

Author(s): Connie Fiems, MPT, DHSc, NCS; Stephanie Combs-Miller, PT, PhD, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Grading Rubric for Practical Exam

Author(s): Connie Fiems, MPT, DHSc, NCS; Stephanie Combs-Miller, PT, PhD, NCS

Grading rubric, CVA, Competency, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Group Practical Examination

Author(s): Louis Hedman, PT, DScPT; Carolina Carmona, PT, DPT, NCS; Marjorie Hilliard, PT, EdD; Jennifer Kahn, PT, DPT, NCS; Kristin Krosschell, PT, DPT, MA, PCS; Kathy Martinez, PT, MA, NCS; Jane Sullivan, PT, DHS

Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Guillain Barre Syndrome - Jigsaw Case

Author(s): Laura Plummer, PT, MS, DPT, NCS; Anne McCarthy Jacobson, PT DPT, MS

Lower Motor Neuron, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Lifespan Balance and Vestibular Lab

Author(s): Karen McCulloch, PT, PhD, MS, NCS; Vicki Mercer, PT, PhD

Vestibular, Balance, Case based, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Mentoring Activity

Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Peer Learning, Competency, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Neurologic Intensive Care Unit Simulation Case Multi-trauma Traumatic Brain Injury

Author(s): Cathy Harro, PT, MS, NCS; Michael Shoemaker, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS

Brain Injury, Intervention, Standardized patient, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Parkinson's Disease (PD) - Clinical Decision Making in Action

Author(s): Suzana Simoes, PT, DPT, NCS; Kim Smith, PT, DPT; Jennifer Canbek, PT, PhD, NCS

Grading rubric, Degenerative Disease, Integrated Clinical Activity, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Partnering with Healthcare Mentors in the Classroom

Author(s): Robert Wellmon, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS

Degenerative Disease, IPE, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Physical Therapy Examination for a Patient Presenting with Dizziness

Author(s): Susan Barlow, DPT, PhD, NCS

Vestibular, Case based, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Self Directed Interactive Learning Module

Author(s): Lisa Brown, PT, DPT, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Intervention, Examination, Flipped Learning

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Spinal Cord Injury Lab Activity Outlines

Author(s): Lisa Doyle, PT, MS, DPT; Jennifer Parent-Nichols, DPT, PCS

SCI, Lab, Intervention, Examination

Patient Management - Examination and Intervention

Students and Patients Partnering to Advance Neurorehabilitation (SP2AN)

Author(s): Amy Yorke, PT, PhD, NCS; Jamie Haines, PT, DSc, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Intervention, Community Based, Examination

Outcome Measurement

Examination Case Study - Outcome Measure Selection

Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS

Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Examination, Outcome Measures

Outcome Measurement

Outcome Measures - Searching the Evidence and Understanding Psychometric Properties for Clinical Practice

Author(s): Kristen Johnson, PT, EdD, MS, NCS

Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Outcome Measures

Management of Care

Technology For Neurological Interventions

Author(s): Christine Childers, PT, MS, GCS, CEEAA

Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Flipped Learning, Management of Care

Management of Care

Wheelchair Assignment

Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD

Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Management of Care

Management of Care

Wheelchair Letter of Medical Necessity Triple Jump Assignment

Author(s): Rebecca Martin, PT, DPT, NCS

Grading rubric, SCI, Case based, Examination, Management of Care