Author(s): Anthony Kincaid, PhD, PT
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Flipped Learning, Foundation
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Lois D. Hedman, PT, DScPT; Jennifer Kahn, PT, DPT, NCS; Kristin Krosschell, PT, DPT, MA, PCS; Roberto Lopez-Rosado DPT, MSPT, MA; Kathy Martinez, PT, MA, NCS; Jane Sullivan, PT, DHS
Grading rubric, Lower Motor Neuron, Flipped Learning, Foundation
Author(s): Anthony Kincaid, PhD, PT
Foundation, Lab, Multiple Diagnoses
Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, IPE, Foundation
Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT, GCS, NCS, CWS, CEEAA, FACCWS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Foundation, Flipped Learning, Multiple Diagnoses
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Desiree J. Lanzino, PT, PhD
Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation
Author(s): Anthony Kincaid, PhD, PT
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
SCI, Flipped Learning, Foundation
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
SCI, Flipped Learning, Foundation
Author(s): Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT, GCS, NCS, CWS, CEEAA, FACCWS
CVA, Lab, Examination, Foundation
Author(s): Susan Leach, PT, PhD, NCS, CEEAA; Elizabeth Ruckert, PT, DPT, NCS, GCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Clare C. Bassile, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Foundation
Author(s): Michael McKeough, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Melissa Peterson, PT, PhD, GCS; Brenda Pratt, PT, DSC
Intervention, Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Movement Analysis
Author(s): Melissa Peterson, PT, PhD, GCS; Brenda Pratt, PT, DSC
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Movement Analysis
Author(s): Jill Heitzman, PT, DPT, GCS, NCS, CWS, CEEAA, FACCWS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Movement Analysis
Author(s): Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS; Lana Svien, PT, PhD
Pediatrics, Community Based, Movement Analysis
Author(s): Sam Pierce, PT, PhD, NCS; Kerstin Palombaro, PT, PhD, CAPS; Jill Black, PT, DPT, EdD
Author(s): Craig Newsam, PT, DPT
SCI, Lab, Wellness
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS
Vestibular, Competency, Examination
Author(s): Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS; Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS
Grading rubric, SCI, Lab, Examination
Author(s): Rebecca Martin, PT, DPT, NCS; Vicki LaFay, PT, DPT, CSCS, CEEAA; George Fulk, PT, PhD
Balance, Integrated Clinical Activity, Examination
Author(s): Susan Perry, PT, DPT
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Examination
Author(s): Heather Dillion Anderson, PT, DPT, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Examination, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Laura Plummer, PT, DPT, MS, NCS; Anne McCarthy Jacobson, PT, DPT, MS; Elise Townsend, PT, PhD, DPT, PCS; Pat Reidy, DNP, FNP-BC; Jennifer Mackey, CC-SLP; Andrea Fairman, PhD, OTR/L, CPRP; Lisa Walker, PA-C, MPAS; Mary Hildebrand, OTD, OTR/L
Pediatrics, IPE, Examination
Author(s): Susan Barlow, DPT, PhD, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Standardized patient, Examination
Author(s): Sarah Fishel, PT, DPT, NCS; Laura Gras, PT, DPT, DSc, GCS
Brain Injury, Standardized patient, Examination
Author(s): Kathleen Volkman, PT, MS, NCS; Lora Pieper, PT, MA
CVA, Standardized patient, Intervention
Author(s): Kristin DeMars, PT, DPT, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD
CVA, Lab, Intervention
Author(s): Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, NCS, MPPA; Marghuretta Bland, PT, DPT, NCS, MSCI
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Patti Berg-Poppe, PT, PhD, NCS; Lisa Inglis, PT, DPT, NCS
Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Nora Riley, PT, PhD, NCS; Lynn Frank, PT, MSPT
CVA, Standardized patient, IPE, Intervention
Author(s): Beth Crowner, PT, DPT, NCS, MPPA; Marghuretta Bland, PT, DPT, NCS, MSCI
Multiple Diagnoses, Foundation, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS
CVA, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS
CVA, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS
Degenerative Disease, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS
Degenerative Disease, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Kristin DeMars, PT, DPT, NCS
CVA, Integrated Clinical Activity, Movement Analysis, Intervention
Author(s): Kristin DeMars, PT, DPT, NCS
Degenerative Disease, Case based, Intervention
Author(s): Teresa Miller, PT, PhD, GCFP; Laurie Seckel, PT, DPT, MPS, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Foundation, Intervention
Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Intervention
Author(s): Christine Tyrell, PT, PhD, NCS
Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Intervention
Author(s): Susan Barlow, DPT, PhD, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Intervention
Author(s): Patricia McGinnis, PT, MS, PhD; Lauren Del Rossi, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Intervention
Author(s): Christine Tyrell, PT, PhD, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Management of Care, Intervention
Author(s): Sarah Fishel, PT, DPT, NCS; Laura Gras, PT, DPT, DSc, GCS
Brain Injury, Standardized patient, Intervention
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS; Stacy Wong, PT, DPT, PCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Intervention, Degenerative Disease, Brain Injury, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Heather Knight, PT, DPT, NCS, CBIS
Vestibular, Case based, Flipped Learning, Intervention, Examination, Brain Injury
Author(s): Lisa Brown, PT, DPT, NCS
Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Competency, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): J.J. Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD, NCS, CSRS, CEEAA; Heather Coles, M.A.; CCC-SLP
Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, IPE, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Connie Fiems, MPT, DHSc, NCS; Stephanie Combs-Miller, PT, PhD, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Connie Fiems, MPT, DHSc, NCS; Stephanie Combs-Miller, PT, PhD, NCS
Grading rubric, CVA, Competency, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Louis Hedman, PT, DScPT; Carolina Carmona, PT, DPT, NCS; Marjorie Hilliard, PT, EdD; Jennifer Kahn, PT, DPT, NCS; Kristin Krosschell, PT, DPT, MA, PCS; Kathy Martinez, PT, MA, NCS; Jane Sullivan, PT, DHS
Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Laura Plummer, PT, MS, DPT, NCS; Anne McCarthy Jacobson, PT DPT, MS
Lower Motor Neuron, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Karen McCulloch, PT, PhD, MS, NCS; Vicki Mercer, PT, PhD
Vestibular, Balance, Case based, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Peer Learning, Competency, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Cathy Harro, PT, MS, NCS; Michael Shoemaker, PT, DPT, PhD, GCS
Brain Injury, Intervention, Standardized patient, Examination
Author(s): Suzana Simoes, PT, DPT, NCS; Kim Smith, PT, DPT; Jennifer Canbek, PT, PhD, NCS
Grading rubric, Degenerative Disease, Integrated Clinical Activity, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Robert Wellmon, PT, DPT, PhD, NCS
Degenerative Disease, IPE, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Susan Barlow, DPT, PhD, NCS
Vestibular, Case based, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Lisa Brown, PT, DPT, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Intervention, Examination, Flipped Learning
Author(s): Lisa Doyle, PT, MS, DPT; Jennifer Parent-Nichols, DPT, PCS
SCI, Lab, Intervention, Examination
Author(s): Amy Yorke, PT, PhD, NCS; Jamie Haines, PT, DSc, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Intervention, Community Based, Examination
Author(s): Kirsten Potter, PT, DPT, MS
Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Case based, Examination, Outcome Measures
Author(s): Kristen Johnson, PT, EdD, MS, NCS
Multiple Diagnoses, Lab, Outcome Measures
Author(s): Christine Childers, PT, MS, GCS, CEEAA
Grading rubric, Multiple Diagnoses, Flipped Learning, Management of Care
Author(s): Clare Bassile, PT, EdD
Multiple Diagnoses, Community Based, Management of Care
Author(s): Rebecca Martin, PT, DPT, NCS
Grading rubric, SCI, Case based, Examination, Management of Care