Telehealth Glossary of Terms


Traffic Light Toolkit

Flow Sheet
The intent of this flow chart is to help guide a clinician through problem solving on the evaluation visit to determine if telerehabilitation is appropriate for the patient.

Performance Based Outcome Measures
Clinician reference for performance-based outcome measures that have been successfully utilized within telehealth settings. Measures are organized based on ease of translation to the telehealth setting.

Patient Reported Participation Measures
ANPT EDGE Taskforce recommendations for participation measures that can be utilized during a telehealth visit.

Telehealth Traffic Light Checklist: Checklist created by the telehealth taskforce to screen patients for their appropriateness for use of telehealth to examine and treat. 

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Neuro Case Examples

RTM billing codes describes  the monitoring of health conditions, including musculoskeletal system status, respiratory system status, therapy adherence, and therapy response. This document shares two examples of patient cases with neurological conditions. 

Telehealth Websites

Affordable Connectivity Program The Affordable Connectivity Program is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) benefits program that helps provide eligible households with a discount on broadband service and connected devices.

Center for Connected Health Policy (

PT State Practice Acts Links to each state PT Practice Act to look up what regulations exist in your state. Tip: search practice act for key words: telehealth, tele, virtual, digital, synchronous.

Telehealth Video Platforms Resource
Link to excel spread sheet with listings of several video platforms that could be used for providing telehealth. This resource was created by the HPA section of the APTA at the very onset of the pandemic to help practitioners select an appropriate platform for providing telehealth. The spread sheet lists pros/cons and specific features of each listing. This resource is not comprehensive as many new vendors continue to enter the market.

American Telemedicine Association - ATA
State of the State Reports on Telemedicine with yearly updates.

Telehealth in Practice | APTA
Links to PT specific articles and education on Telehealth.

FSBPT Policy Recommendations for Appropriate Regulation
These guidelines were developed to help advocate for appropriate regulation language regarding physical therapy and use of telehealth.

APTA Position Statement on Telehealth
Summarizes APTA’s support of telehealth practice for PTs.

APTA Resources for Advocacy for Telehealth
Provides template letters to send stakeholders, including legislators and payers, advocating for telehealth provided by Physical Therapists.

APTA HPA Section Telehealth Patient Satisfaction Survey
Telehealth Patient Satisfaction Survey: Spanish Version

Link to word document modifiable template for a patient satisfaction survey to compile information to submit to stakeholders or submit to APTA to help collect valuable patient perspectives.

Email APTA results of Survey
Scroll down to Telehealth Patient Satisfaction Survey Section.