Visit the ANPT Education Center

For Educators:

Wheelchair Seating Mobility - New Curriculum

The Wheeled Seated & Mobility (WSM) Curriculum is designed as a ready to use curriculum for pre-professional PTs and PTAs. It is an education and training package to help prepare the entry level workforce and increase the likelihood students are exposed to a minimal standard of WSM knowledge and skills in the practice of WSM evaluation, prescription, and training to meet the needs of persons with basic level mobility impairments.

Please use this link to request access for content and lab materials.  The suite of materials is available and customizable at no cost, for voluntary use by academic programs in the education and training of physical therapy professionals. 

My Wheelchair Guide app

    (search MWG Manual in Google and Apple app stores)

United Spinal Association guide for user friendly resources with topics of "get, use,  maintain, health and resources".


My Wheelchair Guide Supplemental Information is a 49 page resource designed to assist individuals preparing to obtain a new or replacement wheelchair.   

This document includes inventories, checklists, considerations for gathering your wheelchair team, getting your wheelchair prescription and therapy referral, environmental self-survey, wheelchair evaluation, your home assessment, wheelchair fitting & delivery, wheelchair skills training, maintenance, repairs and follow-up, denials/appeals, trials and loaners, wheelchair advocacy, using your wheelchair with different modes of transportation and general resources.


Free Webinars:

"Rolling the ADA Forward" - on demand

Learning Outcomes:

Participants will be able to articulate an overview of the process involved in passing legislation for improved access to mobility equipment.

At the conclusion of this session attendees will be able to identify three resources for understanding complex rehabilitation technology (CRT).

Participants will be able to list at least two practical strategies to implement into their service delivery related to advocating for improved access to CRT.


"Maintaining Your Ride"


  Now, more than ever, is an important time to be thinking about how to keep cushions, manual and power wheelchairs clean!  We are all washing our hands more than ever, and wheelchair users and clinicians who work with them need to understand how to apply this to wheelchairs.  

     Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) requires attention, care and maintenance to make sure it can perform to the highest capacity for each individual.  the more that an individual can manage and take care of equipment, the longer it will last as well.



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